
Flying Kites and Breaking the Law

Even the simplest things here turn into an adventure, its a little ridiculous but all you can do is smile and have fun with it. Things like going to the post office or baking a cake or going to church or flying a kite should be just an little thing we do with ease, right? Wrong. 

It was one of my teammates birthdays so we decided to buy kites and fly them in the park since we see kids flying kites all the time! Finding the kites was a challenge in itself but that is something I have gotten use to, I can never find exactly what I am looking for and when I do finally find it well its no where near where I thought it would be. But once we got the kites we decided to go to the park we drive by everyday but have never been to! 

Well we again realized our first mistake, we had absolutely no idea how to attach the string to the kite since you buy everything separately. So our lovely South Asian friend went over to an older man and asked him if he could help us out. So he started attaching the string and soon enough of course an audience starts to gather around us, there were guards from the park, random families and lots of other people who wanted to help the foreigners fly their kites. So once we got them all attached we began to fly them and we realized its way harder than it looks with these paper kites and again we needed help flying them so more people began to grab the kites and fly them for us. We were using out language and we were learning to fly kites, I would say that is a success. 

It was at this time that a man came up to us and told us that we were not actually supposed to be flying kites at this particular park, apparently it was a historical monument. We were apparently breaking the law or rules or something, but either way we had about 20 people helping us fly these kites who never thought to mention the fact that it was illegal. We even had a guard helping us, nice. 

So what did we do instead? We walked to another park and flew kites purely for the purpose of a photo shoot , we made even more friends, met a movie star, were met by the press, then played Uno in the middle of the park where we are pretty sure people thought we were gambling. A simple day turned into an adventure and let me tell you, this is nothing new.